Mr Abdullah and his family |
This branch started its operation in 2006. I did not get to interview Mr Abdullah as he was outstation so I just had my interview session with the Principal, Mrs Bavani, 42, who has been the Principal since the opening of the branch.
According to Mrs Bavani, the school started with only 2 teachers and a clerk, with only 12 students. They had the students to be placed in 2 comfortable classes. Now, the branch is having a total of 52 students for the pre-school session and also 64 students for the English tutorial classes on weekend.
She also said that the demand is growing bigger but the rooms are limited.
Mrs Bavani, the Principal |
There are many parents who wish to send their children there despite the fees which are slightly higher than any other pre-schools and tuition centres. This is due to the amazing results shown by the students and the ex-students of The Jitra Smart Reader Kids happened to perform very well in their primary schools as well.
Currently, the fee is RM270.00 per month per student and the class starts at 9.00 am until 12.00 noon. The students have the option to have their Islamic religious classes after the normal school hour with additional fee. She also added that the branch is now offering The Smart Reader Islamic - Smart Tadris and the school received a very overwhelming responses from parents. When asked about any other obstacles than having limited spaces, she also said that they sometimes face the challenge of not having enough teachers as they come and go for other better opportunities.